Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yikes...Ike !

Geez...I am ever so glad Ike is gone...but I guess it's really not totally gone. We stayed in Houston for Ike. I remembering during Alicia in 83 being I know what being petrified feels like...Ike did more than scare me. I'm still hearing those winds and debris hitting the house. There was more than one hit that we just knew the walls were coming in, but they didn't. I opened up my Bible at one point when the scare was about to get the best of me, and opened it up to Psalm 91. Check it out for yourselves...talks about storms and God calming the seas.

We're still recovering from Ike. We had very minimal damage physically to our home, worst was my son-in-law's dad's home in San Leon. His home isn't liveable any longer, so he's staying with my daughter and her hubby for now. And my personal opinion about needs to be's a waste of taxpayers money.

We had to cancel the SU party, preparing for Ike became more important. But I have signed up to be a SU demo. But I guess I'm really cheating, cos I just want the discount when I buy stuff.
I'm still hearing chainsaws in our neighborhood. Seems like that sound isn't going away for quite some time.

Our SS class is going to Sabine Pass this saturday to help clean up debris and take food and supplies to them. They got hit really hard from Ike. I just hope we can help them out some.
